An Easy Steps On How To Write A Pitch For A Novel

Examples Of Novel Pitches

An Easy Steps On How To Write A Pitch For A Novel

An Easy Steps On How To Write A Pitch For A Novel. If you're an aspiring author, you know that getting published can be a daunting task. One of the key steps in getting your novel published is writing a pitch that captures the essence of your story and entices publishers to take a closer look.

But what exactly is a pitch for a novel?

A pitch is a concise summary of your novel that outlines the key elements of the story, including the plot, characters, and themes. The goal of a pitch is to generate interest in your novel and convince a publisher that your story is worth investing in.


Writing a compelling pitch is essential to getting published. Publishers receive countless submissions, so your pitch needs to stand out from the crowd. A well-crafted pitch can make all the difference in getting your foot in the door and getting your novel in the hands of readers.

We've written about Write A Novel so many times this year. You can also read our article about Mastering the Art of Writing a Captivating Dystopian Novel Opening

In this blog post, we'll talk about how to write a pitch for a novel and walk you through the steps to writing a successful pitch for your novel.

We'll cover everything from what a pitch is and why it's important, to tips for crafting a pitch that captures the essence of your story and generates interest from publishers.

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How Do You Start Writing a Pitch?

Writing a pitch can be a challenging task, but it's essential to getting your novel published. Here are some tips for starting the process:


Identify the core message of your novel. What is the central theme or idea that drives your story? This is the foundation of your pitch, and it should be clear and concise.

Craft a hook that grabs attention. Your hook should be a one-sentence statement that draws the reader in and makes them want to know more. It should be memorable, intriguing, and relevant to the core message of your novel.

Keep the pitch concise and focused. Your pitch should be no more than a few paragraphs long, and it should focus on the most important elements of your story. Avoid going into too much detail or getting bogged down in secondary plot points.

Remember, the goal of your pitch is to generate interest and convince others that your novel is worth reading.

By identifying the core message of your novel, crafting a compelling hook, and keeping your pitch concise and focused, you can create a pitch that captures the essence of your story and generates interest from publishers, agents, or readers.

How Long is a Novel Pitch?

When it comes to writing a pitch for your novel, brevity is key. The ideal length of a pitch is typically no more than 250 words, or about 1-2 paragraphs.

While it can be tempting to include every detail of your story in your pitch, a shorter pitch is often more effective. A concise pitch helps to focus the reader's attention on the most important elements of your story and can make a stronger impression.

That being said, there is no hard and fast rule when it comes to the length of a pitch. Some pitches may be as short as a single sentence, while others may be longer if necessary to convey the essential elements of a complex story.

Here are some examples of pitches of different lengths:

Short pitch (one sentence):

"In a world where magic is forbidden, a young girl discovers she has the power to control the elements and must navigate a dangerous political landscape to survive."

Medium pitch (one to two paragraphs):

"In a small town in rural America, a group of teenagers must band together to save their town from an ancient evil that threatens to destroy everything they know and love. But as they dig deeper into the mystery, they realize that the true enemy may be closer than they ever could have imagined."

Long pitch (two to three paragraphs):

"When a down-on-her-luck journalist stumbles upon evidence of a corporate conspiracy, she's plunged into a world of danger and intrigue. With the help of a mysterious hacker and a former CIA agent, she must race against time to uncover the truth before it's too late. But as she delves deeper into the mystery, she realizes that the conspiracy reaches much further than she ever could have imagined, and the stakes are higher than she ever could have predicted."

Ultimately, the length of your pitch should be determined by what is necessary to convey the essential elements of your story in a compelling way.

How Do You Write a Pitch novel?

Writing a pitch for your novel can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be.

Here's a step-by-step guide to crafting a compelling pitch:

  1. Start with a hook. Your hook should be a one-sentence statement that draws the reader in and makes them want to know more. It should be memorable, intriguing, and relevant to the core message of your novel.
  2. Introduce your main character(s). Who are the central figures in your story, and what are their motivations? Be sure to focus on the characters that are most important to the overall plot.
  3. Explain the central conflict. What is the main problem or challenge that your characters are facing, and how do they plan to overcome it? This is the heart of your story, and it should be clear and concise.
  4. Describe the setting. Where does your story take place, and what is unique or interesting about the world you've created? This can help to set the tone and give readers a sense of the overall mood of your novel.
  5. Include a call to action. What do you want readers to do after they've read your pitch? Do you want them to buy your novel, request a full manuscript, or simply follow you on social media? Be clear and direct about what you're asking for.
  6. Refine and perfect your pitch. Once you've written your initial pitch, take some time to revise and refine it. Read it out loud, share it with friends or writing groups, and be open to feedback. A well-crafted pitch can make all the difference when it comes to getting your novel noticed.

Remember, the key to a successful pitch is to capture the essence of your story in a clear, concise, and compelling way. By focusing on your hook, characters, conflict, setting, and call to action, you can create a pitch that generates interest and leaves readers eager to learn more.

Novel Pitch Template

If you're struggling to create your own novel pitch, a template can be a helpful tool. Here's an example of a novel pitch template:

[Hook] [Character introduction] [Conflict] [Setting] [Call to action]

For example:

When a young orphan boy discovers he has magical powers, he must navigate a dangerous world of magic and intrigue to fulfill his destiny and save his friends from certain doom.

Using a template like this can help you to structure your pitch and ensure that you're covering all of the key elements. However, it's important to remember that a template should be a starting point, not a rigid formula. To make your pitch stand out, you'll need to personalize it and make it specific to your novel.

Here are a few tips for personalizing a novel pitch template:

  • Use specific details that are unique to your novel to make your pitch more memorable.
  • Focus on the aspects of your novel that are most exciting or intriguing.
  • Be concise and avoid unnecessary details or tangents.
  • Consider your audience and tailor your pitch to their interests and preferences.

By using a template as a starting point and personalizing it to fit your novel, you can create a pitch that captures the essence of your story and generates interest from publishers, agents, and readers alike.

Novel Pitch Formula

If you're looking for a more structured approach to writing a pitch, a formula can be a helpful tool. One popular formula for crafting a novel pitch is the following:

[Protagonist] must [action] in order to [goal], but [obstacle] stands in their way.

Here's an example using this formula:

In a world where magic is outlawed, a young mage named Lily must learn to control her powers and overthrow the corrupt government that seeks to destroy her and her kind.

This formula works well because it allows you to succinctly convey the core elements of your story: who the protagonist is, what they need to do, what's at stake, and what obstacles they must overcome. By focusing on these key elements, you can create a pitch that is both clear and compelling.

Here are a few tips for using the formula effectively:

  • Keep it concise. The formula is designed to be short and to the point, so avoid including unnecessary details.
  • Make it specific. Use specific details and language that are unique to your story to make your pitch stand out.
  • Highlight what's at stake. Make it clear why the protagonist's goal is important and what will happen if they fail.
  • Show the protagonist's journey. The formula emphasizes the protagonist's actions and obstacles, so make sure to highlight how the protagonist changes and grows over the course of the story.

By using the novel pitch formula and customizing it to fit your story, you can create a pitch that effectively conveys the essence of your novel and generates interest from publishers, agents, and readers alike.

Elevator Pitch for a Novel

An elevator pitch is a brief, concise summary of your novel that you can deliver in the time it takes to ride an elevator. It's called an elevator pitch because you should be able to deliver it in 30 seconds or less – the amount of time it might take to ride an elevator with a potential agent, publisher, or reader.

Crafting an effective elevator pitch can be challenging, but here are some tips to help you create one that works:

  • Keep it simple. Focus on the core elements of your story: the protagonist, the conflict, and what's at stake.
  • Make it compelling. Use language that grabs the listener's attention and makes them want to know more.
  • Be specific. Use specific details and language that are unique to your story to make it stand out.
  • Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice delivering your pitch, the more confident and natural you'll sound.

Here are some examples of elevator pitches for different genres:

Fantasy: In a world of magic and mayhem, a young orphan must discover her true identity and save the realm from destruction.

Romance: A chance encounter with a handsome stranger sets a woman on a journey of self-discovery and unexpected love.

Thriller: When a small-town detective investigates a series of brutal murders, she uncovers a web of corruption and deceit that threatens to destroy everything she holds dear.

By crafting an elevator pitch that effectively conveys the essence of your story and generates interest from potential readers and industry professionals, you can increase your chances of getting your novel published and reaching a wider audience.

One Sentence novel Pitch Examples

A one-sentence pitch is a succinct and attention-grabbing summary of your novel that can entice potential readers or publishers. It's a valuable tool to have in your arsenal, as it can quickly convey the most important elements of your story and pique the interest of your audience.

Here are some examples of successful one-sentence novel pitches:

"A woman's search for her missing husband takes her to a remote island haunted by a malevolent presence." (The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides)

"A teenage girl is forced to fight for her life in a televised battle to the death." (The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins)

"A man with short-term memory loss attempts to solve his wife's murder." (Memento Mori by Jonathan Nolan)

Crafting a powerful one-sentence pitch requires careful consideration of the most compelling aspects of your story.

Here are some tips to help you create a pitch that captures the essence of your novel:

  • Focus on the core elements of your story, such as the main character, the conflict, and the stakes.
  • Use descriptive and emotionally evocative language to make your pitch stand out.
  • Keep it concise and to-the-point – your pitch should be able to fit into a single sentence.
  • Consider the genre and tone of your novel when crafting your pitch to ensure that it accurately reflects the overall feel of your story.

By crafting a strong and effective one-sentence pitch, you can create buzz around your novel and attract the attention of readers and publishers alike.


In conclusion, writing a pitch for a novel is a crucial step in the publishing process that requires careful consideration and attention to detail. To recap the key points covered in this post:

A pitch is a concise summary of your novel that conveys the most important elements of your story.

It's essential to capture the essence of your novel in your pitch and to make it engaging and attention-grabbing.

There are different templates and formulas you can use to structure your pitch, but it's important to personalize it to fit your novel.

One-sentence pitches are a valuable tool to have in your arsenal, as they can quickly and effectively convey the most compelling aspects of your story.

To craft a successful pitch, it's crucial to identify the core message of your novel, craft a hook that grabs attention, and keep the pitch focused and concise. It's also important to refine and perfect your pitch over time, seeking feedback from others and iterating until you have a pitch that truly does your novel justice.

So keep working on perfecting your pitch, and remember that with the right approach and mindset, you can create a pitch that truly captures the heart and soul of your novel. Good luck!

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